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Libby Sheppard
Bodyworker & Intimacy Coach
About Me
Session Information
Sexual Issues
Masturbation & Self-Pleasuring
Online Courses
Intimate Massage Courses
Self-Pleasure Course
Sensual Sundays
Informed Consent Policy
Informed Consent for Bodywork Sessions
Please check the box provided for each statement to confirm your consent to bodywork sessions.
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Full name
Date completing form
Date of first bodywork session
Bodywork sessions with Libby Sheppard are not psychotherapy or medical treatment.
During sessions, any intimate touch will be given only at the client’s request and solely for the client’s own benefit, education and pleasure. This means that Libby & the client will verbally agree, before bodywork begins, what areas of the client’s body they consent to be touched and that Libby is able to offer that touch in line with her own boundaries for the session.
During sessions the client is responsible for guiding Libby’s touch to ensure that it is always beneficial, educational and pleasurable. This means that if something does not feel good I (the client) understand that I can say stop, pause, and/or make adjustments.
I (the client) understand that bodywork sessions can include internal touch (anal and/or vaginal digital penetration) at my request. Bodywork sessions do not have to include internal touch. All penetrative touch will be discussed and verbally agreed upon before bodywork begins.
I (the client) am welcome and encouraged to change my mind about points 2-4 above, and any other aspects of the session(s), and to communicate this to Libby during the session(s). This means that anything verbally agreed upon at the beginning of the session as a ‘Yes’ can become a ‘No’ at any point during bodywork. Anything that is verbally agreed as a ‘No’ will not, during that session, become a ‘Yes’. This does not mean that element cannot be explored in future session(s) at the client’s request.
During bodywork sessions I (the client) am welcome to have as much or as little clothing on as I (the client) feel comfortable with.
I (the client) have stated all medical conditions that I am aware of, and I will update Libby on any changes in my health status.
Bodywork sessions with Libby are not surrogacy or escort services. All touch is one-way only, from practitioner to client. Libby can use close body contact in the session if agreed upon but will always remain clothed. Libby will never become romantically or sexually involved with a client.
Appropriate hygienic protocols will be used, including gloves for all genital/anal touch (both external and internal).
Drugs and alcohol are not compatible with intimacy coaching or bodywork sessions. If you appear to be intoxicated in any way when you arrive for a session you will be turned away.
I (the client) am not attending in any undisclosed professional capacity including as a journalist, law enforcement or local authority official.
I (the client) confirm that I have given full disclosure of all relevant medical history including history of STIs, that I consent to this session, and take full responsibility for any medical issues arising from treatment.
I (the client) additionally confirm that the context and possible content of sessions has been outlined and understood either through email questions, or by reading the suggested blog articles and information on the website
I have read, understand and agree to the above statements.