Breast massage

Keeping the spark alive

Regardless of your gender and the size or shape of your breasts and nipples, they can be a deeply pleasurable area of the body. If you’re leaving your breasts and nipples out of your intimate life you’re missing out on a potential reservoir of yummy sensations!

Mutual masturbation

Mutual masturbation: your essential guide

Masturbation is a solo experience for many people, but mutual masturbation can be also be an amazing experience and it has a lot of benefits! Sharing a masturbation session with a partner can be an excellent way to show them what you like when it comes to touch and stimulation (and vice versa). It is an exciting opportunity to witness your partner’s pleasure, and have them witness you.

Anal play after prostate surgery

Arousal, erections and anal play after prostate surgery

I work with many men, and their partners, each year who have been through prostate cancer. Their questions around how prostate removal affects intimacy generally focus on the impact on their erections, what orgasm will feel like, and whether anal penetration is still OK. In this blog article I’ll cover all three and share my experiences as an intimate bodyworker.

Increasing sexual confidence

Increasing sexual confidence

Do you experience feelings of shyness, shame, or anxiety when getting close to someone for the first time? Maybe you’re uncertain about how to enjoy sex and ensure your partner’s pleasure as well. It could be that negative thoughts about your body hold you back from progressing with a new partner, causing worries about being naked, intimate, and engaging in sexual activity.

Perineal massage

Perineal Massage

Perineal massage is the process of massaging and gently stretching the skin, fascia and muscles of the pelvic floor, the opening of the vagina and the perineum (the space between your vaginal opening and your anus). Regular perineal massage in the run up to labour (and even before you start trying to get pregnant) can help to make your birth experience as easy and pain free as possible.

Testicular massage for fertility

Testicular Massage for Fertility

What is male infertility? If you or your partner are struggling with infertility issues, you are not alone. More and more couples are struggling to conceive. This blog discusses how testicular massage can help, and how to give yourself a testicular massage to improve fertility markers.